Friday 23 March 2007

Bob Woolmer's Death

The Cricket World Cup was overshadowed tonight when the confirmation came that the Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer was murdered less than 24 hours after the shock defeat against Ireland sent them crashing out of the competition without progressing out of the group stage. The post-mortem examination established that the former England player had died as a result of "manual strangulation", police commissioner Lucius Thomas said.

Jamaican police say Bob may have known his killer or killers as there were no signs of forced entry into his room and none of his possessions had been taken. "Bob was a large man. It would have taken some significant force to subdue him," he said, adding that police were ruling nothing out and had "lots of lines of inquiry". Authorities are studying CCTV footage from the hotel to see who was around when the murder took place.
All i can say is i hope whoever did this will be bought to justice and and the cricketing nations who made the super 8 stage will put on a show to make Bob proud.

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